Standardized Testing May 6-7, 2019
The Family Schools Program is joining Classical Conversations of Damascus this year for standardized testing. The Stanford 10 test registration is now live. The cost is $50. Please register early. Testing will be Monday May 6th and Tuesday May 7 from 9am -1pm at Bethesda United Methodist Church in Damascus.
The test will be offered to grades 3-12. The 11th and 12th grade students take the exact same test. I will consider adding second graders if there is enough interest.
If you have a college degree and can proctor one or both days please let me know. It’s very easy! Email: lbofccdamascus@gmail.com
If you any questions please let me know. And please share with anyone that you may think is interested. The test is open to anyone- not just homeschoolers.