Schedule Your End of Year Review!
You will be hearing from your reviewers soon, if you haven’t already, to schedule your end of year review. Your reviewer will want to see some samples of your student’s work and progress this year. Be sure to have those ready so you can easily show them to your reviewer. Upload to your student’s google folder any grade reports from online classes, classes your students have taken, or any tutorial type class. Have samples of writing, tests from Math and Science, and projects your student has completed ready for your reviewer to see. We want you to feel cared for and not just reviewed so be sure to talk to your reviewer about any issues you are having relating to home schooling. We have wonderful reviewers who have a wealth of knowledge to share. If you don’t hear from your reviewer soon please feel free to reach out to me at the FSP office or to your reviewer. Final reviews and grades should be completed by June 30. If you need an exception to that we are happy to work with you.