Posts by Candy Smith

Mandatory Mid-Year Support Meeting CANCELED

The annual mid year meeting scheduled for Thursday night, January 30, 2020 will not be occurring.  We will add any info we had planned to communicate at this meeting to a teacher training night later in the spring.  If you are in need of any information or support as this year progresses please be sure to reach out to us and/or your reviewers.  Thank you for your understanding.  We look forward to getting together with you in the next couple of months.

Onsite Mid Year Reviews

We are coming up on the end of the first semester.  The scheduled end of the semester is January 20th.  We have reserved classrooms here at Covenant Life for Saturday January 27, 2024 from 8am to 1pm.  Your reviewer will be contacting you to schedule your mid year review.  They may or may not be scheduling their reviews for this date and time.  This is made available for your and your reviewer’s convenience but you can have your mid year review at another time.  Be sure to schedule your mid year with your reviewer for a time that works best for you and her.  This is a time to check in with you to see how your year is going and if you need any further help or support.  This is NOT a time to bring lots of work samples or grades.  It is more a time for your reviewer to get an update from you and make sure you are moving at a pace that will allow you to complete the year well.  Please be on the lookout for an email from your reviewer.

FSP’s Got Talent!!

This year our community Talent show will take place this Spring – new date February 22, 2019 7:00 to 9:00pm in the Edwards Room here at CLC.  Bring snacks to share! HOW CAN YOU BE A PART? Figure out what your gifts are. We aren’t looking for a “new hobby,” but for something that you are already amazing at. Groups are awesome! They allow us to see more of you, and your creative ideas!  Find your friends and show us what you’ve got!  Individual performances are welcomed.  Come up with a name for your group or talent. When practicing keep these rules in mind: Individuals are allotted 1-2 minutes per performance Groups get 3-4 minutes SET UP IS INCLUDED IN YOUR ALOTTED TIME! Choose edifying music -Pick appropriate attire for your show If using pre-recorded music, we will need it by March 16th preferably in digital form. Please register through the sign up link to be a part of the talent show. We’d love to see many people participating in this event! Bring a refreshment to “sell” at the show. All proceeds will go to FSP.   THIS IS NOT A COMPETITION!!! All participants’ names will be entered into a...

Christmas Break!

The Family Schools Program office and SOAR Co-Op Classes will be taking a break from Monday, Dec 18, 2023, to Monday, Jan 8, 2024.  We wish all of you a joyous season as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!  May the love of Christ permeate your home and all you do.

Thanksgiving Break!

Our SOAR program will be taking November 29th off for Thanksgiving Break this year! Enjoy time with family and friends.  We are very grateful for each of our FSP families.  Be sure to remember all the Lord has done and the many many things we have to be thankful for during this national holiday.

Annual Christmas Craft Make & Take!!

Join us in the Events Center at Covenant Life Church on Saturday December 11, 2021 for our Christmas Craft Make & Take where we celebrate Christ through creativity.  Sign up here:  

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