Back To School Kick-Off Monday, September 9, 6:30pm SOAR & 7:30pm FSP

Do you have everything ready for Back To School?  It’s still summer but we are gearing up for next school year and want you to plan to be there.  Be sure to mark your calendars for Monday evening, September 9, 2024 at 6:30pm for a short SOAR Orientation and, after that, at 7:30pm for our FSP Kick-Off.  We will have lots of hand-outs and information for you regarding the new school year.  We will also be asking for feedback and ideas from you so be thinking of ways we can support and encourage each other and build community this year.  We are committed to helping you through the year and making a program that meets your needs.  Let us know how we can do that.  Looking forward to seeing all of you!!

Tutorial Class Registration for 2021-22

We have opened our Tutorial Class registration! We are offering 2 classes next year at this time.  We are open to anyone who would like to teach a class at CLC on Monday and/or Wednesday.  The ideal class would be one that you are planning to teach regardless of the number of students (i.e. if you are teaching your own child and would like to open it up to others).  Follow this link to register. The classes we are offering are Chemistry – Mondays 10:00am (2 hours) $450 Biology – Wednesdays 10:00am (2 hours) $300 We hope many of you will take advantage of these Tutorial Classes.  Course Descriptions can be found here: FSP tutorial classes Course Descriptions 2021-22 FSP Tutorials Calendar for 2021-22  

COVID-19 Policies

We are not sure how/when things will get back to “normal” or some semblance of normal.  At this time we will only be in the classrooms here at Covenant Life for the Chemistry tutorial class on Wednesday mornings.  The SOAR Co-Op has decided to wait to come back together until next school year (2021-22).  We will continue to plan activities and meetings for this year.  Many may end up virtual but we will still get together when we can.  Covenant Life School is moving forward with their sports program and hope to have a full competitive schedule for each team.  If you want more info on those teams email Candy at  We are praying this season will be over soon but we can’t predict the future.  We are lifting you all up to our Lord for His protection and presence.  He is in control of all.  Keep checking back here if you are wondering about our COVID-19 policies.  We are following all of Governor Hogan’s recommendations and only coming into the office to pick something up or do a quick task.   Candy is keeping up with emails from home and continuing to do some office tasks remotely.  Please follow...

THURSDAY OCTOBER 28!! Teacher Training: Mental Heath and Our Students

Our keynote speaker for the evening is Jessica Shen, a local, licensed, clinical social worker who specializes with children, teens and families.  Jessica’s insight and wisdom will help us to understand the importance of emotional wellness practices as we relate to our children.   Please feel free to invite others, even those outside of the homeschooling network.   Your RSVP will be helpful to us in planning for this evening. You don’t want to miss this!  Please let us know  whether or not you will be attending.  You can RSVP to let us know here  Thanks!  We hope to see you then!  

Have you had your Mid-Year Review yet?

We have classrooms reserved at Covenant Life Church on Saturday morning, January 29, 2022, for reviewer in person conferences.  Some of you might prefer a virtual review and that is fine.  Your reviewer should have reached out to schedule your mid year conference with them.   If you have not yet met with your reviewer by the end of January, take some time to contact your reviewer for a quick mid year check in.   If you are having trouble scheduling a mid year review please contact the FSP Office, email Candy at

Teacher Training: Building Your Student’s Activities Resume

On Thursday, October 10, 7pm in the Edwards Room here at Covenant Life Church, we will be gathering to discuss some great strategies for putting together an Activities Resume for your student.  This is targeted at high school students preparing for college application but middle school families can also benefit from this workshop.  The earlier you start the more complete your Activities Resume will be.  We hope to see lots of you there!

Senior Class Picnic Meeting, Sept 15, 4pm

Just a reminder that our very important picnic/meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, September 15, 4pm-7pm for all seniors and their parents to attend (no siblings, please).  We will be meeting at the Tates’ home, 9021 Harris Street, Frederick,  MD 21704. Right now, only 3 families are signed up to attend…..we really need all families in attendance.  Also,  we’ll be having a taco meal, and everybody will need to bring something.  (As of now, we’ll only be eating beans with cheese, and chips with salsa.)  Please see this SignUpGenius link to RSVP and choose your contribution slot: PLEASE RVSP to let us know if you will be attending the picnic/meeting and what you will be bringing.  If we only have 3 families attending, we will have to reschedule. Thanks!  We are looking forward to celebrating your senior year with you!

Google Drive Training Night Cancelled!

If you need some help understanding how to access and enter your student info into our Google Drive folders, we are happy to assist you.  We didn’t have enough families able to come out to the scheduled training night.  We will be trying to meet with anyone who wants help with the Google Drive folders so we can help them one on one.  If that is you, please contact us to set up a time to come to the FSP office and work with one of us to help you feel more comfortable with the file system. Contact us at or to let us know you would like to set up an appointment.

Summer Camps here at Covenant Life!

The Covenant Life School has organized some summer camps and other extra-curricular opportunities available this summer.  They are offering  history and sports camps this summer.  They have also compiled a list of non CLS summer opportunities.   Check out the camps info here.  Have a great summer!! 2024 CLS Summer Camps Registration is available for on-site summer camps including  Art, Ballet, STEM, Music, History, Chess, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, FCA camp, and more! See below for dates and times. Intro to Strings (Grades 3-6) – June 3-7 We Heart Art (Grades 2-6) – Week 1 – June 3-7 Ballet Camp (Grades K-6) – June 3-7 Boys & Girls MS & HS Basketball Camp (Grades 6-12) – June 3-7 Advanced Strings (Grades 5-8) – June 10-14 We Heart Art (Grades 2-6) – Week 2 – June 10-14 Chess Camp (Grades 1-8) – June 17-21 STEM Camp – “Light” (Grades 2-6) – June 17-21 Advanced Band (Grades 5-8) – June 17-21 Cheer +Fit Camp (Grades 4-8) – June 24-28 STEM Camp – “Force” (Grades 2-6) – July 8-12 Boys & Girls Soccer Camp (Grades 3-10) – July 8-12 FCA Sports Camps (Grades 2-8) – July 15-19 & 22-26 Girls HS Volleyball Camp (Grades 9-12) – July 29-Aug 2 Boys History Camp (Grades 3-8) – Aug 5-9 Registration and more...

Schedule Your End of Year Review!

You will be hearing from your reviewers soon, if you haven’t already, to schedule your end of year review.   Your reviewer will want to see some samples of your student’s work and progress this year.  Be sure to have those ready so you can easily show them to your reviewer.  Upload to your student’s google folder any grade reports from online classes, classes your students have taken, or any tutorial type class.  Have samples of writing, tests from Math and Science, and projects your student has completed ready for your reviewer to see.  We want you to feel cared for and not just reviewed so be sure to talk to your reviewer about any issues you are having relating to home schooling.  We have wonderful reviewers who have a wealth of knowledge to share.  If you don’t hear from your reviewer soon please feel free to reach out to me at the FSP office or to your reviewer.  Final reviews and grades should be completed by June 30.  If you need an exception to that we are happy to work with you.

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