FSP Graduation Requirements

2015 Graduating Class

FSP offers two types of diplomas: Academic and General

See below for the graduation credit requirement for each. The credits listed note the minimum number of credits needed from each subject. For answers to more specific questions about credit requirements, contact FSP using the contact page on this website.

Academic Diploma

The Academic Diploma is a college preparatory course of study. The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 25 credits.

English 4 credits

Math 3 credits  – The math credits must include Algebra 1 and Geometry.  New Maryland state requirement for students graduating in 2018 and later: Students must be enrolled in a math course each year in grades 9 through 12. This may result in students earning more than 4 credits in math for graduation

Science 3 credits – at least 2 must be lab sciences, Biology and a Physical Science must be included in the credits.

Social Studies 3 credits –  US History and Government must be included

Foreign Language 2 credits 

+2 additional credits in any of the following core subjects are required: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language

Technology 1 credit – for possible courses in technology look at the technology tutorials page.

Health 0.5 credits

PE 0.5 credits

Bible 2 credits

Electives 2 credit minimum 

2 additional credits are required – bringing the total to 25 credits.  These additional credits can be taken in any subject, core or other.

Total = 25


General Diploma

The General Diploma offers more flexibility for students who prefer a vocational course of study. The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 22 credits.

English 4 credits

Math 3 credits

Science 2 credits

Social Studies 2 credits

Foreign Language 1 credit

+2 additional credits in any of the following core subjects are required: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language

Technology 0.5 credits

PE 0.5 credits

Bible 2 credits

Electives 2 credits

2 additional credits are required – bringing the total to 22 credits.  These additional credits can be taken in any subject, core or other.

Total = 22


For your information here are links to the Maryland schools requirements for graduation.  As a homeschool program we do not have to adhere to the same requirements for graduation but you need to be informed and should make sure your student has the requirements needed for whatever future school where they may pursue enrollment.  These are Maryland’s requirements.  If your student is planning to attend school in Virginia, Pennsylvania, or any other state you must educate yourself on the requirements in that state or school district.

Montgomery County Public Schools Graduation Requirements

 University of Maryland Freshman Requirements