Senior Class Picnic Meeting, Sept 15, 4pm

Just a reminder that our very important picnic/meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, September 15, 4pm-7pm for all seniors and their parents to attend (no siblings, please).  We will be meeting at the Tates’ home, 9021 Harris Street, Frederick,  MD 21704.
Right now, only 3 families are signed up to attend…..we really need all families in attendance.  Also,  we’ll be having a taco meal, and everybody will need to bring something.  (As of now, we’ll only be eating beans with cheese, and chips with salsa.)  Please see this SignUpGenius link to RSVP and choose your contribution slot:
PLEASE RVSP to let us know if you will be attending the picnic/meeting and what you will be bringing.  If we only have 3 families attending, we will have to reschedule.
Thanks!  We are looking forward to celebrating your senior year with you!