Grades K-8

FSP offers the following programs to support you in homeschooling your elementary and middle school children.


SOAR strives to provide homeschooled students and their families with affordable, fun-filled, quality academic classes within a nurturing Christian environment. Classes meet on Friday mornings throughout the school year. For more information, click here.

Standardized Testing

Students in grades K-10 can elect to take the optional Stanford Achievement Test in April.  This multiple-choice assessment helps to identify student strengths and needs, leading to effective placement and instructional planning. Please contact FSP to sign up for the Standard Achievement Test.

Teacher Training Nights & Family Nights

Homeschool Moms gather to be equipped and encouraged at our FSP Faculty support meetings . Because our moms are our teachers, we call them our ‘Faculty’. These meetings revolve around relevant topics or, sometimes, times of deliberate encouragement and care for our moms.  We also plan family activities throughout the year to build community and have fun together. Click here for upcoming news and events.