
The Family Schools Program (FSP) is a board run, pastor led ministry of Covenant Life Church that provides support and oversight to home schooling families who are members of a local church.

The Family Schools Program is designed to…
1. Provide the opportunity to homeschool under the legal requirements of MD (COMAR 13A.10.01.05).
2. Support and encourage parents as educators
3. Foster community among home school families
4. Offer supplemental opportunities for students
5. Offer a pool of resources and services
6. Motivate with accountability

Under the direction of its Administrator, FSP has a Parent Advisory Board of homeschooling parents who provide input for ideas, vision and direction for FSP.  Program Reviewers, a team of veteran home school educators, provide an annual review and personal support for each family in the program. See Administration for more information on our staff, board members, and reviewers.

FSP is recognized by the Maryland State Department of Education as an institution responsible to review home schooling students enrolled in its program. For more information on homeschooling requirements in Maryland, visit Homeschooling in Maryland.

We help homeschooling parents prepare students for life by articulating a vision of academic excellence, establishing systems of mutual accountability, coordinating group activities, facilitating entrance into higher education and the workplace, and urging students and parents alike to live for the glory of God.

For more information on FSP Membership, please visit Membership.

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