Homeschooling in Maryland

Maryland State Homeschool Regulations

*Home School Statute: The Maryland Educational Code Ann. § 7-301(a). Public school attendance is not required for a child who is “otherwise receiving regular, thorough instruction during the school year in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age.”

The Department of Education has enacted homeschool regulations (COMAR 13A.10.01.05). According to these regulations, parents may home school under one of three options:

  • Option 1: Portfolio Option
  • Option 2: Church Umbrella Option (such as the Family Schools Program)
  • Option 3: State Approved School Umbrella Option


Stay informed of legal developments in Maryland, by visiting The Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) page here: HSLDA Maryland. HSLDA has also provided us with a summary of Maryland regulation: Maryland Regulations

Families interested in HSLDA membership can receive a discount through membership in FSP. Contact the FSP office for the discount code to be used in your HSLDA application.

Parental Homeschooling Notification

It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school superintendent in writing of the intent to homeschool.  This must be done within 15 days of commencing home instruction.  HSLDA advises completion of the state form to inform of home instruction:

FSP is obligated to provide the local superintendent with the annual verification of homeschooling status for each year that a family is enrolled in FSP.  If a family chooses to withdraw from FSP, they must inform the local superintendent of the new status.

*Please note, this page is not intended to supply legal advice. It is the parent’s responsibility to be informed of regulations concerning homeschooling.

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